Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Day 2 Meetings, Mexican Dinner and Throw In

OMG today started off so boring. I got to meet our other room mate a bit more. Guess what her name is. Nora. It is so funny to see that on a Disney Name tag. She is from Germany. She seems really nice but I have also heard bad things. She was very welcoming to me which really made me feel good cause I did not want to live in an appartment where I don't talk to anyone. I also met up with some of the guys from my arrival group. They are really cool. Very friendly. The meeting was really boring. Some parts were funny but it was basically all the do's and don't's of living and working here. At our lunch break I had to come back. My stomach was a little upset so I got to sit on my own and eat. It was nice. I don't want to be anti - social. Then I came back to wait for the bus where I met a Brazilian guy who loves Squirrels. Yes that may sound like a vague random description but I thought it was awesome cause everyone back home loves them. So it was something I really picked up on when he said how much he loved them. Man Brazilians have a cool accent. Then I went to get my ID. It was very crazy. But glad that part is done. Apparently I have to change my hair colour. Which pissed me off cause I did this specifically for this so it would look very uniform and natural.

Then I came back here and packed. I will see if I can get some pictures up of our room. I cleaned my bed all up and it looks pretty good considering I did it in an hour. After I ate an orange and then chilled for a few minutes on facebook and then I found out our Throw in is back on. So I am going to that. I then got a message from Ely from Mexico. She was making dinner and wanted to know if I wanted to come over for a visit. Being without food and really wanting to get out and see someone friendly and nice I said sure. I ran out trying to find her building but got lost. The Commons is such a big place. So I ran back to my appartment and called her. She told me how to get to her place. She is just on the other side of the club house. She said she would meet me at the mail boxes. So I ran back out and headed over. I found her and she took me to her place.

OMG she has a 2 bedroom appartment like me but OMG. It is BIG. I love it. Her and her friend Monikea (Really I don't think I spelt it right. But if you sound it out I believe that is right.) That was awesome. And we ran into another Canadian who had locked herself out. She was just new too. Such a nice girl. Ely let her into her appartment to use the phone. She is in good hands living next to Ely.

After she got back in Ely's flatmate Katie arrived. She is from the UK. OMG it was like heavily. The food was unbelievable. And the company was even better. Such a friendly group of people. I wish I roomed with them. Here it is just like "Don't talk to anyone." But there, man it was such a friendly group. I could have stayed all night.

I just got back thinking Krystal had text messaged me. (but found out she was only on her way home.) So I got dressed and started writing this and Krystal came home. Turns out not much home alone time for me tomorrow. LOL. We are together all morning. Which is cool. I just need a bit possibly once a day just to keep sane. I love being social. But I just need even 15 minutes to myself just to keep in a friendly mood. :) But Krystal works late so I will have the evening to myself. I don't think I will party tomorrow. I just might come back and draw some. It would be nice to draw again. LOL. Still have to go out and get pictures around the complex. Ely and I are going to Wal Mart tomorrow. Krystal is certain that she come too. She has to pick up some prescriptions so I said she can come too. I don't want to go in the morning though. It is just too risky. But we will see. It will take some thinking to plan out tomorrow. It is my last day of meetings and another boring day. Friday I have off. :) Saturday is my first day of paid work.

Check out my Live Journal for pictures from today. Or check out facebook of course.



Ok... well cant tell much. Don't know what I can and cant say so wont see much. Lyndsay came over to our place and we sat out in the living room for a bit. She is a new person from Canada too. She is really nice. Krystal walked us both over to appartment #2525

There we went in and chatted and met some new people and people who had been working there. Around 11pm we made our way all the way across the complex to appartment #622.

There we waited outside the appartment in the hallway. We could hear everything else going on inside but not everything. The Germans were across the hall bringing in their new cast members too. So it was really crazy. Theirs was an army themed.

Then we were suddenly all pulled into the room... and.... the rest is fuzzy. Yes unfortunately I cant say much more past that point. All I can say was it was really hot and a lot of fun. Finally I know what it is all about. I cant wait to bring in new cast members. It was lots of fun and I just could not wait to be one of the others. And Colin who is officially staying now was thrown back in.:) Yay Colin.

After the party we just walked back here. There was the option to hang out more but my stomach is a little sore. And believe it or not... I did not drink much... alcohol.

Well tonight has come. I think I will just get ready for bed, watch some BS or maybe just draw. Tomorrow is a later day as I already said. So that will be nice.

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