Monday, July 28, 2008

Date Change

Not my arrival date, but there was a good part to being one of the last people of our interview group to go. Due to the American Thanksgiving falling on the date I am to return back to Canada, Disney Extended my contract a week and I will be there till Dec. 4th 2009. So yes... my banner will have to change.

Also I updated a few things around. Added the new blog's I read feature and added the link to my regular journal on LiveJournal. It has my non Disney stuff, if anyone did want to know what is up with work here and my art and just about anything that is not disney related. But go check out some of the blogs I read. It only shows the 5 most recent blogs. So you will know who is most active. Cause I wont be too active on here till it gets closer.

Anyway thought I would update that quick. I am working a lot right now, but once I get some free time I will update my banner for this page. (Hopefully end of August I will have some extra time on my hands.)